In 2013 there have been many more people open to trying some new approaches to health for themselves and their animals. My four top 2013 learnings: I was introduced to Svaroopa Yoga by my guides; the fact (not surprising) that GMO grains fed to pastured reared chicken can cause serious health damage; Jim Key was an incredible horse in the late 1800s; clicker training is awesome and powerfully creates bonds between people and animals.

Calgary Alberta welcomed me with snow and the chance to teach the extensive 6 day homeopathy class to some very wonderful people. Plans to go back in fall 2014 are underway. Teaching people how to understand homeopathic treatment really nourishes me because even if they never pursue learning the repertory and selecting remedies they will know how to better evaluate the health of their animals. If they are working with a homeopath, they will be able to help with the remedy selection and evaluation so their pets will live a longer, healthier life.

What are your animal and personal health goals for 2014? I plan to teach at least 2 more 6 day classes on homeopathy, finish the cat and horse ebooks and discover more ways to communicate about natural health to every one living with animals.