San Diego rescue groups are seeing a sharp influx of emaciated young pelicans. They will feed them until they can be released. You could send money to help feed them, or if you live in the area, come down with your Rescue Remedy and offer your help.

Sea World has over 30, but I could not get any contact information to help.

International Bird Rescue has rescued over 150 and their site gives clear donation guidelines. Read their blog on the pelican issue. They are actively requesting monetary donations as “Each Pelican consumes half its bodyweight in food each day: about 4-5 pounds of fish per bird per day – at up to $2.05 a pound.” I posted a question to them because they said in the blog that there is normally an 80% attrition as babies learn to feed themselves. If we feed them, will it not create overpopulation? Read the blog for yourself and make a comment by clicking the “no comment” tag to the right of this post.