A recent letter:
I’m new to your web-site, I actually came across it through WHN [Whole Health Now] in one of
the discussions sessions they offer for free which I really enjoyed. My curiosity was really tweaked  when on your site I read a post under Topics – itchy skin– of Raven a 10 & 1/2 yr old Belgian shepherd. I realize the remedies you prescribed Thuja 30C; Nux-v 30C; Sulphur 30C & 200C were part of a vaccine detox and found it amazing how incredibly well they worked.
Comment by Dr. C:  Actually, these remedies were not part of a vaccine detox. Each one was prescribed at different times over the years because they were the similimum – the remedy that best matched the symptoms she was showing then and if possible included the symptoms she had up to that time.
My question is about spacing and repetition, how soon after giving Thuja 30C do you give the
next remedy ….and ….if there is a strong aggravation do you ever repeat same remedy after the aggravation has ended to make that level has been cleared? or do you continue to the next step as a logical remedy for the reaction to the prior?
Comment by Dr. C: Since each remedy was given for specific conditions over time, there was no specific spacing. The general rule for repeating remedies is that if a dog responds curatively to the remedy you gave, then the benefit wanes, you repeat the remedy at the same or a higher potency, or if using the 5th or 6th editions of the Organon, you would either continue the same potency and increase the frequency or increase the potency or change potency scales.  If a strong aggravation is accompanied by great and curative improvements, then the symptoms recur, and there are no new symptoms to indicate the need for a change in remedy, then you would repeat the remedy, same potency or higher, using the 5th or 6th editions – and making it much more dilute to prevent further aggravation.
Isabel Johnston