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why shorter lifespans?

A recent post by Dr. Becker at Mercola listed the life spans of different breeds from several studies and most are decreasing, in spite of veterinary organizations saying pets are living longer. One comment to the post spoke of their Irish Setterish dog in the 1940s living to 18 and still doing great except for [...]

By |2016-07-15T08:25:39-04:00July 15th, 2016|Healthy Animal's Journal|0 Comments

England approves titers for kennels

While I generally recommend pet sitters over kennels because of the vaccine issues and many other issues, some dogs (and a very few cats) actually LOVE going to kennels, so the following is great news for the UK and may be precedent setting for other countries. Pet Welfare Alliance in the UK reports that titer (or [...]

By |2016-06-23T09:20:30-04:00June 23rd, 2016|vaccines|0 Comments

Training cats

A wonderful woman , Laurie, who runs fundraisers to fund veterinary care for people who do not have enough money, posted recently on a topic that I think is so critical. In the Healthy Animal's Journal (cat one will be out very soon), I walk you through looking for the early warning signs of internal [...]

By |2016-06-07T12:29:28-04:00June 7th, 2016|cats|0 Comments

Pets can save the world

Well, really, the choices you make for your companion animals can save the world. You know many of them and have shared many with me - sustainably raised food ingredients, locally sources beds and toys, visiting the ill/infirm/aged and so many more. Here is a different slant on how your feeding choices (and maybe others [...]

Nurturing your cat and should they drink water

Dr. Becker has a great post about 10 things people need to do to nurture their cats, some of which may be forgotten in our busy lives. I have ordered them a bit differently for my readers. Ignoring pain since cats can be very stoic. If you are using the Journal and tracking the EWS [...]

Prevent these breed diseases

Dr. Becker does a great presentation of the early signs of common inherited diseases of 9 breeds of dogs, even asserting that holistic treatment may prevent them from worsening. I say that if you start at day one with holistic approaches, you may even prevent the beginning signs of these diseases. Briefly, with my added [...]

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