Find a trained veterinarian
Schools, Teachers and Classes for you to learn
Food ingredient sources
Animal Intuitives,
reiki and classes on that
PET SITTERS, good kennels and breeders
Wonderful Web sites, blogs and radio shows
Dog and Cat Training/behavior problem solutions
Ecological Pet care
Holistic Modalities Practitioners
I strongly recommend finding an integrative veterinarian with whom to work for faster results. This is a person trained in many different approaches, including using conventional drugs only when absolutely needed. Working with one can increase the chance that your cherished companion can live a long and healthy life after recovering from this current problem. There are good ones and great ones, and a few homeopathic veterinarians will consult by phone or email. Read my article on selecting and working with holistic veterinarians.
Schedule a Pet Health Coaching call with me to identify the best practitioners for your pets and to learn about home care. If the one we choose does not seem to be working, you can follow up with me for more choices and to evaluate the progress of the health of your animal(s).
You can go to the web sites for each type of holistic practice and use their referral list to find one near to you. Many practitioners are members of only one or two of the organizations, so you do need to go to every site to find who is near you: Each of these organizations may list international vets, so check out every site. If you cannot find anyone near you, go for working with a homeopathic veterinarian by telephone/email/skype
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies
The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy
Pitcairn Institute for Veterinary Homeopathy
The National Center for Homeopathy
British Association of Veterinary Surgeons
International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy
International Veterinary Acupuncture Society
American Association of Veterinary Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
Belgium Veterinary Acupuncture Society (links to many other organizations)
Animal Chiropractic Association
Osteopathy Association
Options for Animals
Chiropractic is good for many health conditions, not merely lameness.
NAET – Nambrudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique – great for treating allergies among other problems.
Veterinary Botanical Medical Association
Veterinary Medical Aromatherapy Association
POSTURAL REHABILITATION INTERVENTION – good for many problems, not merely musculo-skeletal
Postural Rehab Vet Organization
East coast: Dr. Mark Havercos is an excellent network veterinary chiropractor and healer who visits Maryland every few months. Download his bio & information on his schedule. email Carol Goldring for visits to your farm. He also sees patients at the Bethesda Holistic Veterinary Clinic – 301-656-2882 and at Cassandra Kraham’s grooming salon in Mt. Ranier MD
From a client of chiropractor Eileen Hayworth who treats people add added dogs to her practice 10 years ago. “Bogie had a nice visit with a canine chiropractor yesterday. He needed adjusting in several places and we will go back next week to see how he is. She seems great. She works out of a vet’s office in Northridge one day a week.”
Ontario, Canada
1. Shanna recommended Dr. Bianca Ferenczy in Guelph – “…I have 3 clients that go to her in Guelph and love her…” (2014)
2. Nova Scotia resident Jennifer recommends Dr. Rob Butler in Guelph, Ontario. “He has been involved in CAM for years. He has helped formulate some great products and I would expect him to be open and have many options”. 519-836-2782
SCHOOLS, Classes, Teachers – home care to help build health and treat problems
Acupressure – Tall Grass Acupressure School – – based in Colorado, they offer online classes and in 2015 hands on classes in AZ, England, Ohio, Colorado and in 2016 – Florida.
Healing Touch for Animals – They offer level one classes in 2015 in Alaska, AZ, CO, FL, IL, MD, MN, NC, OH, NC, PA, TX, VT, VA, WA, Canada, Germany and the Netherlands,
Nine schools are listed on the International Association of Massage and Body Work site in FL, NY, TX,OH,WAS, CA and OH.
All About Animal Massage site has many resources and class offerings.
Bach flower animal classes and certification – Combination of on-line, correspondence and in person classes offered all over the world.
And of course, Reiki to be found in your own town, which, as you know, I think every person should learn.
Kate Soliste beat me to it – she is offering great webinar classes that can be accessed from around the world. She is also a great intuitive.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT – tapping)
Animal EFT organization offers diagrams and more information on this totally safe approach to animal healing.
Dragon Rising offers an on-line certification class in energy healing for animals that includes EFT.
Equine Nutrition: Dr. Eleanor Kellon offers excellent and inexpensive on-line classes with group follow-up. Highly recommended by several students.
Clicker training for horses – Alexandra Kurland has online classes
Clicker training for people – online classes
BARK is part of the ROOTS family. Great products. They will order the Call of the Wild supplement if you are not feeding bones as part of your fresh food diet. Stores are in Pikesville, Clarksville, Olney, Catonsville, Gaithersburg, Rockville, Silver Spring, & Annapolis.
Baron’s K-9 Country Store – Bel Air – (410) 838-6369 is run by a wonderful team who have filled the store with the very best holistic products and some food, too. They have hosted me to speak there several times, so if you want my class there – tell them so.
End of the Leash offers monthly seminars as well as great products.
Sonnewald Natural Foods Store – Spring Grove, PA 17362 | (717) 225-3825 is more than a source of ingredients for your pet. Grace Lefever, the founder of the store, died in 2014 and her daughter, Willa, continues the outreach and education that Grace started. This website will let you become a part of a supportive community in Southern PA (near York). And great food, too!
1. Reggie’s Pet Project: Reggie was a 20 year old dachshund cared for holistically by Dr. Jeff Feinman. In Reggie’s honor, the family is committed to helping people with limited funds get health care. Please help them with your donations, and use them if you need.
2. Good review of insurance – most people really are happy with having insurance and several fully cover homeopathy and other holistic approaches.
3. The funding page has possible sources of funding – these change, so some may now be not active and others may cover a wider range of care. Please contribute when you can to these and let me know of any others, or updates to these.
Many farms listed by state at Eat Wild, the site of the author I like, Jo robinson who wrote Eating on the Wild Side (purple carrots are much more nutritious, etc)
Kevin Matthews – The Dog Chef – makes meals to order and delivers in the VA, MD and DC area. His dog treats can be found in his own store to come soon in Fells Point area(5 2012).
Springfield Farms – North Baltimore County, MD – gets chicks at 2 days old, store carries other good products, tube of “for animals only” heart and beef scraps from rosetta beef.
The Contented Rooster Farm – North Baltimore County, MD – pork (forest ranging), chickens, eggs, baked goods. Gets chicks at 2 days old. Feeds GMO free grains to the free range chickens.
Ferguson Family Farm – grass fed beef, chicken, berkshire Pork, turkey, eggs – for all the carnivores in the family. 443-845-1554
Chapel”s country Creamery – Easton MD 410-820-6647 – raw milk cheeses
Restoration Foods -Edgewater Maryland – sells seasonal produce and other farm based and local goods to help restore the community’s connection to the land, while using a portion of profits to help increase the number of local school and community gardens. Two locations: 1. The Honey Hive, 155 Mitchels Chance Rd, Edgewater, MD 21037; 2. Annebeth’s
46 Maryland Avenue; Annapolis, MD 21401
Ivy Brand Foods – this farm is a 10th generation one. Pastured beef, vegetables – sells at Restoration Foods. Summer AND winter CSA.
Locust Point Farm – Elkton – 443-309-2278 Follows Salatin farming practices. Has a store.
Broom Bloom’s Dairy – 410-399-2697 – Restaurant and store – their cheese, sausage and other local products – Bel Air
Zooks Organic Farm – PA
4 Ever Moore Farm is located in Southern York County, Pennsylvania. Rotational pasture-based farm that raises non-GMO meat chickens, woodland-raised 100% BerkshirePork, non-GMO turkeys, and free-range eggs, without hormones or antibiotics, on pasture 24/7. On farm custom processing. (2016)
ESSENTIAL OIL PRACTITIONERPractitioner, author and good blog –
Annette Laugel-Schloss – Baltimore Maryland – 443-570-7859
June Hughes has a wonderful set of essences. She also does readings for animals and people, especially after death.
Allison – flower essences and intuitive work for pets and people.
GemstonesNirado – first newsletter – 3/2013
Crystals and Reiki are done by Sandy Van Dusen in Waldorf Maryland and by phone. She also teaches Reiki classes.
The wonderful Redstone Media Group publishes 3 different magazines – Animal Wellness Magazine has a great website with educational material like videos on how to trim toenails, pull ticks, watch a chiropractic adjustment, and an interview on vaccines with Dr. Ron Schultz. They also have a facebook page. I do an hour long chat at their page every 2nd Monday from 2-3 Eastern time. Then the last Monday of the month we do the Animal Wellness chat at my facebook page from 2-3. Come, ask any questions and enjoy learning twice a month. Use my code when you subscribe – CCDVM – thanks, and let me know you subscribed and get a free 10 minute consult (or 10 minutes off your next consult).Equine Wellness Magazine helps you with performance and health. Remember that with holistic approaches, horses can live past 30!The Integrative Veterinary Care journal is directed at the veterinary professional. It would be a great gift to your current non-holistically trained veterinarian to entice them to switch and even your holistic veterinarian may not yet be subscribing.
Dogs Naturally Magazine has a great magazine and web site helping holistically minded folks network with each other. My Ask the Vet section will be in the September 2012 issue. This issue is full of articles about vaccine problems, so it is a must read. They have a good forums and support on their site, too.
Pit Bulls – Bella’s Bullies in White Marsh, MD. she is interested in holistic approaches and raw diets. YEA>
Colorado Horse Rescue with an informative and fun newsletter
Save our Standardbreds is doing a very effective job of finding homes.
Raw Feeding and more – holistic articles on a a great British website, Raw Essentials.
The Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD) is a good resource for dog guardians with a pet diagnosed with an inherited disease, and prospective dog parents who want to learn about the inherited conditions of certain breeds.
The Inherited Diseases in Dogs (IDID) database is provided by the University of Cambridge Veterinary School, and users can search by selecting a breed or genetic anomaly (inherited disorder), or by typing in a keyword. This database also contains references to peer-reviewed scientific literature for further research.
The Naturally Healthy Horse Blog Tall Grass Acupressure – books and classes, newsletter and blog
Cat Care society based in Colorado is specializing in helping older and ill cats be adopted by partially funding their care – they have placed 150 cats.
Pet Welfare Alliance Pet owners and veterinarians from around the world to take practical, positive action to protect the wellbeing of pets – pet products, vaccines, pet treatments. Stop the harm done to pets.
Deterring stray cats: If you are having trouble with your cat spraying inside because of visiting cats, or if you are tired of stepping in a neighbor’s cat’s stool on your yard, this site can help you find ways to deter cats from your yard. I do disagree with one thing – cat stool is good for compost and this article tells you how. Also, as with any site, some products will work well for you and some will not.
Most do work by phone or email, so even if you are not near them, contact the ones who feel right to you.
Added to on Feb 2023
Cathy Malkin –
Isla Fishburn is a shamanic practitioner and committed to health for the entire interconnected world of pets, people, plants, water, clouds and more. she can help with behavior issues and how you can better communicate with your dog (and more!) I think she is great.
Allison – flower essences and intuitive work for pets and people.
Kate Solisti (CO) is multitalented. In addition to helping you communicate with animals, she has many books and videos and now offers live webinars. I love her wide range of offerings.
Wendy Cooper does individual phone sessions to “listen” to the animals and
to help determine the best treatments. she also teaches teleseminars so you can learn to do this for yourselves. She says animals love it when you try to communicate with them. She is excellent.
Mary Argo comes well recommended and does phone sessions and teaches great classes.
Barbara Shor, DVM has trained in homeopathy and other holistic modalities, worked with zoos and in the field in Africa, then started expanding her abilities in animal communication. She is writing her second book, Cat Woman Speaks.
Newly recommended: Joan Ranquet – courses, & books, is on the All Paws Pet Talk TV show with me on roku, Disney, Amazon Prime and more.
Cindy Brody – Hudson Valley, NY – unique energy healing and classes as well.
Dr. Monica Diedrich Also does lost pets.
These have been recommended and I have not checked their current status.
Tim Link is recommended by a number of people and is also a Reiki master.
Marta Williams (CA) – and teaches classes
Cindy Wenger – Pennsylvania – Peaceable Kingdom Essentials (717) 566-0922
Sandy Van Dusen and her daughter Kira do a variety of animal healing.
Mary Marshall – writes wonderfully about her work. Betty Lewis is one of the original communicators. Based in NC now, she will consult with you by phone
Barbara Mason is a Reiki Master and instructor in PA who also does animal communication and can work with your holistic veterinarian to discover the best treatments. 717-432-9321.
Sue Becker ( 519-896-2600 Kitchener, Ontario) does animal communication and teaches classes on communication and TTouch – live and with videos. Though based in Ontario, she can work anywhere in the world. She was highly recommended by a client.
Teresa Wagner is highly recommended by several clients. She also has classes and books to help you with pet loss and grief issues. She can help you decide the best next treatments for your animals. Liz Wassel is a member of the Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA), teaches Reiki, can help your animals from a distance and is also an animal communicator.
Wendy Van De Poll communicates with animals and is a life coach for people. She also has a blog talk radio show.
REIKI (and see above as many intuitives do Reiki)
Kathleen Prasad leads monthly phone classes for people already attuned in Reiki to learn more and share about their animal experiences.
Kathleen Lester runs the Maryland association with classes (also in Animal communication)
Tim Link – also an animal communicator
William Lee Rand’s site has great books and links
Lisa DuPree is a great Maryland practitioner and teacher.
Vermont – Maybe the best personal care for your pets – worth a drive if you will gone a long time and maybe you are lucky enough to live near Montpelier. Auntie Dee Dee’s Doggie Daycare since 1986 – 802-454-4660. Dee, a CVT, has studied homeopathy and natural diets and healing for decades. No cages – live in her home. Ask her also about her gorgeous Creative Music Photography – photos of the great singers of our century.
Baltimore MD – Pets in Stride – Martha Garland – 443 223 2587 410 366 0493 She does Bach Flower for Animal consults and has other holistic modalities available to help your animals.
Laurie McDowell is in the Bel Air Area of Maryland. She brings your dogs into her home, so they get a staycation while you are away. she is very open to using holistic alternatives. 410-302-5660.
Lowell, IN – Auntie Barbara’s Bed, Bath & Biscuit. Barbara has been committed to holistic approaches for years and now is actually bringing an integrative veterinarian,Dr. Daniel King, DVM, CVA, OVCH, to her boarding/daycare cottage.
Silky Terriers –
Divine Canine Pet Sitting will accept titers – vaccines not needed after puppy shots.
Isla Fishburn is a shamanic practitioner and committed to health for the entire interconnected world of pets, people, plants, water, clouds and more. she can help with behavior issues and how you can better communicate with your dog (and more!)
Irith Bloom – virtual dog training and resolving behavior issues. She is one the 4 of us on the All Paws Pet Talk TV show and is so knowledgeable and fun. She does hands on in the Los Angeles CA area.
Bridget Lehet does feline behavior counseling locally in the Seattle Washington Area, and virtually anywhere in the world. Destructiveness, aggression, elimination problems.
Baltimore area – Timonium – Dog Crazy Lady – an incredible woman, Tanzi Leary, is a certified Pat Miller trainer and uses my current favorite – clicker training. She is very holistic and I highly, highly recommend her.
Baltimore MD – Pawsitive Paul’s Dog Training – 410-493-9028
Western Maryland – Pat Miller is a prolific author, media personality and trainer of you and your animals (any species). I saw her 39 year old rescue horse and her super tidy pig and more. for resources, classes and private training.
UK and european folks – Bex Taylor used gentle training and also hosts great classes – she is pro raw, anti overvaccinating and all around wonderful.
Ecological petStyles – poo pick up and more
How to compost cat stool to use in your garden.
Holistic Modality Practitioners
CO – dina tibbs is excellent at Massage, essential oils and more.
CN – Mary Oquendo – Treats people and animals with Reiki, crystals, Integrated Energy and Munay Ki. She and her partner also do space clearing, which I have found is needed to heal some animals.
MD – Jane Ranier has a massage, Reiki and general Wellness practice and teaches classes in first aid, reiki and more.
Two great sites for help finding natural breeders as well as help avoiding vaccines and feeding raw –
Find help for lots of life problems at thumbtack