Amanda Dee and several other wonderful people are bringing me to Calgary to really teach homeopathy – to animal guardians, veterinarians, technicians, wildlife rehabbers, shelter and rescue workers, groomers, dog chefs – anyone who has contact with animals.

There are multiple classes to choose from, starting October 25 with a FREE evening lecture on holistic approaches for animals.

Saturday is an all day class expanding on the keys to great health – feed the best, vaccinate the least, use the fewest toxins, know how we respond to treatment (cure, palliation, suppression), avoid EMFs and much more. Leave knowing how to become trained in Reiki; how to use flower essences; knowing how to create a healing team for your animals and where to learn other healing modalities. Save lots of money in the next year with your animal care.

Sunday is the Introduction to Homeopathy class. Learn the history and principles of this great modality and how to apply them to every aspect of life and healing. Learn how remedies are made so you can understand how to select different potencies. DeBunk some homeopathic myths. Leave knowing how to work with a professional homeopath, how to select a few remedies yourself and ways to administer them. You will learn enough to know if this is a modality you want to study further.

And if you do want to study it further, really learn how homeopathic remedies are selected in the …..

Intermediate Class –

  1. day 1 – How to take a case of an animal and list the specific symptoms needed to find a remedy.
  2. day 2-  Reperatorization – learn how to use the index of symptoms, and how to translate animal symptoms into the language of the repertory.
  3. day 3 – Case analysis to select the remedy, evaluating the health status to select the potency and methods of administration and when to re-evaluate.
  4. day 4 – Evaluating the response of the animal to the remedy (or to any other types of treatments).
  5. day 5 – Review by using your cases (and some of mine).

go to Amanda Dee’s web site for more details and to register. Call me at 410-771-4968 with any questions about the content.