Toxic Effects Of Glyphosate On The Microbiome

And the whole body and whole planet

Christina Chambreau, DVM, CVH, FL


Most people now have heard that glyphosate is very harmful. Many do not know that the commonly used Round-Up is glyphosate with other chemicals to make it more effective – read damaging. More and more people are learning about the newly recognized system called the microbiome. Remember DDT and Silent Spring – that is where we are. This article will cover both glyphosate and the microbiome, what they are, how they are interacting and what you can do to have better health for you and your animals, which will also result in better health for the planet. I am not a scientist, so check out the articles listed and the internet for more research information if something I say does not make sense.

This may be too bold, and a lawyer may come after me – BOYCOTT glyphosate in any form, especially in ROUND-UP. Use your dollars to show your support for better health.

Before even learning all the details, leave with the following:

  • Minimize exposure to all toxins, especially glyphosate
  • Maximize diet ingredients that do not use pesticides and herbicides
  • Drink the cleanest possible water -and not from plastic bottles
  • Heal ailments, especially ones that may be related to glyphosate – gut healing foods, herbs, organ meat, ION gut Health, fecal transplants, healthy dirt, pro and pre biotics
  • Maintain vitality and energetic balance, love and early detection of imbalances



As recently as 2020, Morris Animal Foundation (Hills diets, Purina diets and more) has been educating people about the microbiome. They pop up first on google searches. However, they miss some of the key problems affecting the microbiome. The reference section can give you a few of the many articles on research.


The Microbiome is a newly recognized body system (like Urinary or Digestive) that exists in different parts of the body. The organisms in the gut used to be called microflora, not recognizing the depth and breadth of what actually lives in and on each of us. While we will mostly be speaking about the Gut Microbiome, note that it exists on the skin, nose and other body parts as well (think of what that means for exposure to chemicals).


Bacteria, viruses (especially phages often associated with each bacterium), fungi and protozoa make up the microbiome. Many different numbers of cells living in the gut are quoted depending on which are being counted. The numbers are in the trillions just within the digestive tract, up to 10 times the number of mammalian cells in the whole body. Combined, microbial genes outnumber host genes by 10x. When all the blood cells were included, the number dropped to 4 times. Did you have any idea?


This community of beings are critical for health. The balance of good bugs and bad bugs, of multiple species having same effect (so if one gone – there’s a backup) is an amazing engineering feat to interact with our own cells. The more I learned in veterinary school and have continued to learn with every talk I give, the more awe I have for how we function. The following merely touches the surface. Still, it should help you , too, move into a state of awe and appreciation, ready to take steps to keep the all of the microbiomes healthy which leads to better health for you, your animals and the planet. You will need to be proactive.


Let’s dig into some of the functions of the microbiome in the gut.  Interaction with cells of the body regulates many functions, such as digestion, host metabolism, healthy brain function, vitamin synthesis (vit. K, complex B, Thiamine, folate, biotin, riboflavin, and panthothenic acid and more), biotransformation of bile acids, metabolizing products not belonging to the host (xenobiotics), helping gastrointestinal cells  mature properly, and defense against pathogenic bacteria and many other immune functions. They produce the mucous barrier to repel invaders. And those are only the ones we have identified so far.

The is amazing genetic diversity provides enzymes and biochemical pathways that the host does not possess.


The gut wall is uniquely designed to prevent entry of “bad” things, partly because of the “tight junctions” made of epithelial cells– see photo in slides. The microbiome

strengthens tight junctions and supports growth, proliferation, and differentiation of epithelial intestinal cells.


The good bacteria defend the host by producing chemicals toxic to bacteria, even E. coli, competing for nutrients and epithelial adhesion sites. They have molecules on their surface that activate receptors on the host’s immune cells.


In the colon, non-digestible carbohydrates (starch, inulin, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and gum) are fermented by bacteria producing gasses and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that give energy to the cells of the intestinal epithelium. This also makes the intestine more acid, an early line of defense.


As the  SCFAs are absorbed through the intestine, they allow the re-absorption of Na+ or K+ ions as part of the key pump providing communication and energy between cells and their environment. They also produce butyrate which induce the T cells (immune fighters) and acetate which produces the best permeability. Amazing. Are you in awe yet?


Communication is necessary to have these miracles happen. There is constant crosstalk between microbes and complex feedback loops of the immune system, of which the intestinal mucosa is an interface between the immune system and the external environment. Secondary bile acids, transformed by bacteria, are a part of this. Development and regulation of immune cells are influenced by bacteria, in complicated ways you can read about in the resources.


Another feedback loop affects how fast food products move through the gut – gut motility. The biome breaks down carbohydrates, fibers and proteins producing various factors that influence the very complicated smooth muscle, nerve, epithelial cells system that moves the food. The gut motility then regulates how many bacteria are present. Still not understood, reading about this


Chronic Disease

Are our pets healthier than decades ago? Not at all. In people and animals, there are many statistics showing increasing cancer and other severe illnesses. When I was in veterinary college, it was rare to see animals with Cushings, Addisons, hyperthyroid and even diabetes in the referral clinic. Now the average community clinic sees them weekly or more. Many studies say that oxidative stress with free radical damage affects every organ. WHY?


There are many causes and remember that our pets are the canaries in the mine. Too young to recognize that? Miners took canaries in cages down in the mines because they were more sensitive to air that was not healthy. Are we seeing longer lives in people? Yes. Are they on a lot of medicines and do they live healthy lives? Does it cost a lot of money? Our pets are also showing this. Two of four will develop cancer. Mental illness and people on the on the autistic spectrum is rampant in people, and we see a huge amount of anxiety related behavior in our animals.


Our animal companions often reflect our health states. They live closer to the ground where increasing toxins are found. They often are fed processed diets (kibble and canned) with unknown ingredients. They breathe the air we do, and drink our water. One of the main causes of problems in people and animals could be the many effects of glyphosate, including on the microbiome.



What’s glyphosate got to do with it? – to paraphrase a song. An organophosphate compound originally synthesized in 1950 at a Swiss company,  it was set aside because no pharmaceutic effects seen. In 1961 sold as a descaling agent as it bound metals like Calcium, Magnesium, etc. (hmmm…what is it doing in your animals?). It was  rediscovered in 1970 at Monsanto, and in 1974 Roundup, the first glyphosate-based herbicide, quickly took over the world.  Seemed good at the time, starting no-till farming, retaining water in soil, etc. Then GMO seeds were developed and broad use as weed control was started – keeping soil bare. 1985 the US EPA classified it as a class C carcinogen. Now, in 2022, there are over 700 different brands of Glyphosate in  herbicides in the USA. We use more than any other country, sad to say. People buy it for yard use without realizing the true cost.


What is the chemistry behind why many say it is one of the top causes of  much of the chronic disease mentioned above. Bottom line – it totally messes with the microbiome and even creates more damage in the whole body. Ok, I am avoiding the chemistry – not my forte – let’s go anyway.


Very importantly it is very water soluble. So what?  It comes in and does it damage, then is gone. It is so pervasive in the world that it just keeps coming in and wreaking havoc. And studies are showing that fed with gluten the toxicity multiplies exponentially (a lot). Water is in the air, plants we eat and makes up 70% of our bodies, so we are continuously bringing in new molecules of glyphosate to harm our cells and the trillions of cells in the microbiome.


The shikimate pathway is how plants take carbohydrates and change them into amino acids, the building blocks of protein.  Glyphosate inhibits the plant enzyme EPSP synthase in plants and microorganisms, blocking the production of aromatic amino acids and other enzymes. This prevents production of proteins needed for maximum function in the digestive tract.


One main metabolite of glyphosate is aminomethylphosphoric acid (AMPA), which inhibits enzymes, interfering with plants making chlorophyll so what your are feeding is less nutritious and lessens production of  alkaloids  (nutrients in plants that at as medicines).  The presence of AMPA in the aquatic ecosystems may cause loss of grasses, which could account for the starvation of thousands of manatees where I live. I am asking about that right now – has the lagoon been tested for glyphosate? I know they are using it for invasive control.


Multiple theories and studies are looking at the effect of glyphosate in the rising antibiotic resistance.


Where is glyphosate used? Everywhere! Along with many other chemicals one main use is eliminate unwanted plants. Who says the plant is unwanted? The bird who nests on the edges of the corn field? The vole who lives under the fruit trees? Even invasive plants may be contributing something if not totally rampant. And what about the bees? Without bees there are fewer crops.


Farms for sure, especially those using GMO crops whose seeds are resistant to glyphosate, so it is getting into the air and the water. Many fewer farms use it in Europe, however there are still significant levels there. Organic (certified or not) farms cannot use glyphosate or other toxic chemicals. However, they have no control over the rain, the water sources and the air. I am guessing in snow. One of my friends would not let her kids eat snow for that reason, though probably less per mouthful than water.


Your yards. Your dog parks. Commercial landscapers for malls and office spaces.

Millions of tons are sprayed in state and national forests. Hah – you thought it was safer to walk in the woods than in a dog park – maybe not. In a class in Baltimore training volunteers to eliminate invasive plants, they casually said that for many areas, they routinely sprayed glyphosate – “nothing else works – you just can’t pull it all.” It has been used in canals leading into the oceans and lakes for invasive plants. This list goes on and on. It is everywhere, especially in the US.


A link from the National cancer institute said that dogs had double the chance of getting lymphoma if Round -Up was being sprayed four or more times a year. The Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine  at  Tuft s  University  reported  that  exposure  to  lawn  chemicals  raises  the  risk  of  canine  malignant  lymphoma by more than 70%.


Secondly, it is used as a desiccant – a drying agent. You thought if you bought non-GMO foods you were safe. Well you aren’t. Turns out farmers can spray crops with glyphosate and it ripens the crops so they can be harvested all at one time. Because it is sprayed on what you eat, rather than when the seeds are planted, these drops are super contaminated. On a graph, soy and corn may have one bar of glyphosate, and the following crops may have 10-12 bars!


Here is one current list: wheat, oats, legumes (lentils, peas, beans, chick peas), rye, potatoes, buckwheat, triticale, millet, sunflowers, sugar cane, sugar beets, medicinal mushrooms and medical cannabis. In addition to corn and soy, there are new GMO crops using glyphosate on the ground or as a desiccant include apples, potatoes, Hawaiian papaya, zucchini, and yellow summer squash. More keep being added.


When I learned about this only a few years ago I realized I could only by organic hummus. Look at your pet kibble label to see how many of these grains are listed.


Where is it detected? Here is a little more about glyphosate in foods. One non-profit company I totally respect has done a lot of testing of foods and even wines. You can get urine from yourself or your animals tested there for current levels of glyphosate (remember it is excreted in 4-7 days). Maybe if you try two weeks of mostly clean food and water, then retest to see if the levels are lower. This would be even more important if you are struggling with cancer or other serious aliments.


The average American’s diet is about 40% real food and 60% chemicals.  From HRI, tests showed that a bowl of kibble had 400 ppb compared to a bowl of raw meat diet which had 1 ppb.  Because of the large amount, usually with grains, biscuits and treats had high levels. Why less in meats? Tests on farm animals showed no more Glyphosate in 7 days after clean food. Only a little was found in hair or muscle. Tests of organic foods showed 5% labeled organic had some residue. Non-organic sweet potatoes  same as organic, 2 ppb, so not critical to buy organic sweet potatoes. There are many details you can search for on-line about sourcing, such as Olive oil from northern Spain had no or very low amounts. 30% of US honey samples had it and many surface water samples had it, though less than ground water.


Since European countries use less GMO and glyphosate, travelers often report health benefits. Studies show that celiacs can eat bread. Friends of mine ate lots of food, including breads and lost weight and had more energy in several European countries. And this is even though there is still glyphosate in the air and water


How pervasive is glyphosate in our bodies? Tests by HRI Study of it in urine: dogs have highest levels measured in any animal. Humans – 200 tested – averaged 0.5 ppb; cats 5 tested– 8; horse 13 tested – 14.6; dogs – 69 tested – 15ppb  Cats are indoors and eat more meat than plants, which may account for difference. Although a test in NY state found cats were 2-fold higher than dogs.


Concerned yet?


Effect of glyphosate on the microbiome

Due to the shikimate pathway in many microbes, one study in people  found that 54% of around 101 species of bacteria commonly found in our guts could be damaged or killed if exposed to glyphosate in high enough quantities. Lactobacillus, enterococcus and bifidobacteria are the classes of gut bacteria that seem to be most sensitive to glyphosate. Mostly damaging (though they are part of the good balance so we do not want to eradicate them) Salmonella, clostridia and E Coli are very resistant to glyphosate.


Cytochrome P450 is an ancient enzyme that is key for breaking down toxins in the body and much more. When there is an imbalance in the microbiome created by Glyphosate,   P450 production is inhibited.


Bottom line is that glyphosate disturbs the balance, causing many of the following effects on the entire body.


Effect of glyphosate on the entire body

Through eating it, breathing it and touching it, the chemical enters blood stream so is carried to all organs.


It decreases the available nutrition in plants, therefore in food, therefore weakening the whole body.


Zonulin is a protein secreted by intestinal epithelial cells that modulates tight junction integrity in the gut. Tight junctions start to get “leaky” when too much zonulin is present. The higher the glyphosate levels in the gut, the more zonulin is going to be released. The more zonulin present, the more permeable your intestines will be. So leaky gut.


Peristalsis in how your gut contracts, moving ingesta from stomach to rectum after eating to empty the gut so you can be truly hungry again. Hmm – maybe this is one reason many dogs and cats do better without free feeding. Glyphosate exposure interferes with this process so the Migrating Motor Complex is weakened, which can also lead to chronic constipation. Though not studied, maybe megacolon in cats could be reversed by avoiding glyphosate, IMO.


The ability to detoxify damaging toxins needs the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes and glyphosate blocks this.


Pathways in the body relying on minerals iron, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, calcium function poorly.


Depleted amino acids such as tyrosine, methionine, tryptophan lower health in many ways. Some (Steve Brown) have written about the relationship of tryptophan to aggression in dogs.


It directly interferes with endocrine system


The kidney cells (renal tubules) seem very sensitive to damage.


Weston Price reports that neuron creation relies on gut microbes.


Given the research on psychological problems in people related to glyphosate, and the brain/gut axis, we can assume one trigger for the increase in anxiety and other behavioral problems may be related.


Purdue  University  found  links  between  glyphosate  exposure and bladder cancer in dogs


The good news – you can do a lot to help your family

Avoiding glyphosate as much as possible is the first step.


  • Since it can be absorbed through skin avoid sprayed areas for walking. Given its prevalence, even in national parks, if you are not sure the land is clean, wash off feet and maybe face with soapy water on returning home. This would be a good time to check for ticks or plant awns as well. Maybe not – Dr. Royal’s experience is that washing destroys the natural oils and protection. Use your judgement.
  • It can be inhaled, yet it is very important to let dogs have sniff walks and sniffing yard sessions. Try to minimize exposure in highly sprayed areas. Maybe convince some neighbors or the dog park to not use nay glyphosate and create a safe area to walk and train in.
  • For both you and your companions, feeding the cleanest food is a key. You do not have to always buy organic. As much as possible, take the initial time to research farms in your area, or talk with the farmers at the farmer’s market, or for ingredients you find on line. Even if not certified organic, what are they using for their crops, meat, eggs, cheese? The Environmental Working Group releases their “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15”food lists for fruits and vegetables.  Save money on the clean list. does the same for seafood, though more heavy metals than herbicides, which since glyphosate is water soluble could be an issue.
  • Yes, water is contaminated and we not want to drink water from springs shipped around the world. Filters are the answer. Check out Health Ranger for more. A good friend and healer friend of mine loves the Berkey filters.

Healing from glyphosate toxicity is possible. Our bodies are amazing in their ability to heal. There are many levels of healing that can be done, from herbs to homeopathy to having positive thoughts and happy, joyous actions. The answers are unlimited and most are not just for glyphosate. Try one or two at a time and carefully observe the results. Keeping a journal can help you track all the different concerns and the total body response to your treatments.


  • Add more good bacteria regularly: Fermented vegies, kefir, milk, broths, raw dairy, colostrum, probiotics and prebiotics, fecal transplants
  • Clean Organs and meat – prey diet, ancestral human diets, nutrient dense
  • If feeding vegan be very careful with sourcing of ingredients
  • Milk thistle, dandelion, burdock root, barberry, greater celandine. A study at the University of Caen, France, used herbal formulas to help detoxify glyphosate in human liver cells
  • Dandelion, nettle, rehmannia if any kidney issues
  • “ION Biome” Ion Gut Health – soil derived supplement, carbon-rich, trace minerals, realigns and tightens cell junctions, improves communication between bacteria, mitochondria and other cells. Seems to restore mucosal tissue damage. Another  soil-based probiotic  is from Earth Animal. Look into sourcing of other soil based probiotics. Let your dogs and cats sniff and roll around in safe dirt
  • Zeolite – Clinoptilolite – from volcanic ash – absorbs toxins and heavy metals (also toxic) – often used for diarrhea as it helps the integrity, trace mineral, detoxifies. Some recommend as a regular supplement. Many prefer to not use any supplement on a regular basis. This may depend on your potential level of exposure. Learning how to ask yes/no questions of the universe. Holistic Actions members have access to several webinars on doing this. Check out dowsing, and articles in holistic magazines. Once learned, you can ask each day (or week) if each supplement is needed at this time.
  • So … you can repair some of the harm Roundup does to your dog’s microbiome by adding a soil-based probiotic plus some of these herbs to your dog’s diet.
  • To heal specific ailments, even if you do not know if they are from glyphosate, Deeper healing with homeopathy, Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, chiropracty/osteopathy, pure energy healing
  • Maintain vitality and energetic balance, love and early detection of imbalances
  • Sign up for my newsletter at and read the free articles there. Buy the Healthy animal journals – print or ebook.
  • Become a member of Holistic Actions for lots of support including monthly calls with homeopathic veterinarians and 24/7 forums for Q/A and a journal is a member benefit, and at least take the free Pet Health 101 class.
  • Create a holistic health care team, RIGHT NOW, with vets, techs, groomers, communicators/intuitives, and whomever your individuals need. To find a holistic vet, read this article very carefully then follow the steps.
  • If overwhelmed or not clear as to your next steps, schedule an appointment with me by emailing me at
  • Maximize living in the moment, loving a lot, having fun, dancing, singing, reading and learning from each of your animals.

Evaluation of Response to your efforts

Key to knowing if you are on the right track, right food, right vet, right home care. Journal helps you see this. There are no right answers. Each individual is unique. Each individual has unique sensitivities and ability to heal from stressors. Never feel guilt for any of your past or current choices – your pets know your love and caring and want you to be guilt free.

Most important is quality of life, a deep improvement in energy and emotional levels with a slow resolution of symptoms. If symptoms go away without an overall improvement (as often happens with drugs) then a cure has not happened and future illnesses will probably occur.

Much reading is necessary to be able to fully understand the reaction of an animal. Recording the list of original and past symptoms, then how they have changed with the treatment is key to evaluation. Healthy Animal’s Journal makes tracking symptoms easy and covers evaluation of response. Don Hamilton’s Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs, especially chapters 2 and 3 will help you understand this.

The 4 main responses are:

  1. No apparent change and you waited an appropriate length of time.
  2. Palliation – temporary improvement.
  3. Suppression – current symptoms resolve quickly and the animal becomes more seriously ill.
  4. Cure – the symptoms slowly resolve and the animal becomes healthier. The symptoms never return unless obstacles to cure happen, although there may be temporary illnesses from which they recover easily.




  1. Testing –
  2. For Holistic Actions Members:
  3. I think available to anyone: