The following are some cases illustrating specific parts of homeopathic prescribing. If you become a member of Holistic Actions! for companion animals community you can get several homeopathic courses, multiple posts and audios from the Organon, many other homeopathic cases in progress as owners share them and lots of other great holistic info for people and animals. Most webinars are available in audio, so can listen while you work!


In 2001, Teddy the Yorkie began having diarrhea when the husband traveled. The emergency clinic on 10/4 said his blood was fine and diagnosed colitis with bacteria in the stool.  Tylan powder for 3 weeks was the prescription. By Saturday, 11/6, his energy was back up though he still had stools that were mucous and smelled sour. Other symptoms and past history included:

  1. Decreased energy for 2-3 weeks; 2. Weight loss (was fat at 13#, now is 11# and looks good; 3. Increased amount of “goo” in corner of the eyes in the last 2-3 weeks; 4. Had diarrhea in September when husband was away – veterinarian gave Cimetidine and it quickly resolved. A few weeks later he had a milder bout of diarrhea when the husband was away. He has a history of eating trash and getting diarrhea – will even rip open garbage bags. Digs dog stool from the ground. 5. Behavior: Aggressive to other dogs – goes berserk; attacks the other dog at the house when the wife gets out of the car; he bites her ankles when she leaves the house; he barks but does not bite visiting people; will get in the car and be friendly with anyone; he constantly follows people around, but is very averse to petting or holding; he does not like people approaching him, even the owners – growls. He does have many playful games and they love him a lot. 6. Prefers cold. Pants a lot even when sitting in a chair and being averse to blankets on him. 7. Lens changes. He has a history of lying by the door when the husband is away, farting off and on with no odor, had a dental 3 years ago for gums growing on his teeth and has always had a Grade 1 heart murmur. Sulphur.


Mucocutaneous Erosions Cured with Homeopathy

By Jacqueline Sehn, DVM, CVH, VetMFHom

Upon first homeopathic prescription, Jackson was a MN, German Shepard, approximately three years old, weight 83 lbs. The owners adopted Jackson from a shelter in California. He had been found roaming the streets, thin and in unhealthy condition. Right after adoption, he was observed to have difficulty climbing the stairs and had a yeasty odor. Those signs improved with exercise and diet. He tended to eat food off the counters, with one episode of chocolate ingestion. Once he ate a food-soiled placemat; on a later date, he ate a loaf of bread in its plastic bag. Vomiting was induced at the emergency clinic with no surgery needed.

They had owned Jackson for a year when he was presented for a physical exam and a booster of his Rabies vaccine on July 7, 2014. Mellow and beautiful, he got along with everyone. The physical exam was unremarkable except for gingivitis with no associated dental plaque. Supplementation with Coenzyme Q10 was suggested.

A brief visit on March 24, 2015 ensued due to greyish, mucoid, right sided, ocular discharge for the past two weeks. The eye itself looked normal with no fluorescein uptake appreciable. The owner was asked to massage the medial corner to stimulate drainage via the tear duct, and perform green tea washes.

On September 8, 2015, Jackson returned for a follow up examination. The eye discharge had resolved and the gums were no longer inflamed. However, new erosion-like lesions (on formerly black, now non-pigmented, white to pink skin) were present the past two weeks, including a little spot below the left nostril, another spot by the rostral lips, and a third spot below the nose. There were no changes in diet or type of feed and water dishes used. No other changes were noticeable relating to appetite, energy, stools and other body systems. A brief repertorization suggested Causticum and a single dose of 30C as dry pellets was administered. September 21, 2015. The client communication was “spots more visible than before.” Upon examination the lesions looked deeper, more like small ulcers now in the same locations. We discussed that these were likely immune mediated and that conventional therapy involved immune suppression. If we were lucky we might get away with local tacrolimus, but lifelong therapy was often required. The owners consented to continuing homeopathy to try to solve the problem rather than suppress it.

A more thorough repertorization was performed, taking into account the patient’s friendly and exuberant personality, the historical weakness in the rear, the historical gingivitis.

September 29, 2015. The owner called and reported that of the three lesions, two were much better and the small one on the nose was completely gone. He had a raw spot which was very bad and bleeding three days ago, that had cleared up also. The only lesion remaining was the one below the nose which looks pink instead of dark red. The owner notes that this was the oldest eruption of the three and was improving but not as fast as the other two. The owner was told to continue bid Phos 6C.

September 30, 2015. The owner emailed pictures of the lesions and reports that, on September 25, he started giving the drops tid instead of bid so was almost out of solution. He was instructed to get more solution and that it was okay to continue tid drops.

December 22, 2015. The owner brought Jackson in to check a lump by the base of his tail, which he frequently licked, that was present for the past two weeks. The nose and lip lesions had resolved. His anal glands were expressed and were normal. The lesion he was licking was present where the tail base touched the anus. The area was thick, red and bumpy. It was not a fistula, nor was it painful, raw or bloody. Phos 6C was refilled (same instructions as on September 21). January 4, 2016. Received ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of the anus, showing healing.

February 12, 2016. The Owner reported that all the lesions were healed and asked if he should give Phos 6C preventatively. He was told not to use it unless lesions returned and to report such an event. May 17, 2016. Update from the owner. All previous lesions remained healed. Discussion The following is a homeopathic medicine comparison as it relates to this patient. As with any comparison, many of these medicines look similar in terms of the weakness and ulceration, but Phosphorus is weak on going up the stairs (as is Ars); the mentals / actions of Phos are also a closer match to the patient. Arsenicum album definitely features ulcers and apthae; however, these tend to be painful, burning, and can bleed — often with an offensive odor: “Malignant septic gangrenous and embolic processes, phagedenic ulcers with offensive, often cadaverous, acrid secretions, ulcers which bleed easily and possess the general characteristic of the remedy, the burning pain” (Leesers textbook). There is more fear and restlessness with this medicine than is featured in the patient. Lower limb dysfunction is characterized by trembling of limbs, paralysis and: “Sudden sinking of strength” (Lippe’s Textbook) and various kinds of pain and cramping (Buck’s Materia Medica).1 Corners of mouth red and excoriated, swollen bleeding gums painful to the touch, anus red and sore; heaviness, excessive weakness of limbs.2 Mercurius vivus or solubilis can be restless as with Ars, and may be anxious and mistrustful, breaking out of upper lip, corners of mouth ulcerated and painfully sore, gums swollen, spongy, bleeding, anus feels raw and chafed, large bleeding varices, which suppurate, excessive weakness and giving way of knees and legs.3 Keynote No. 4 is: The mercurial odor. The mercurial patient is offensive, breath excessively fetid, sweat offensive, mawkish, sweetish (Clarke’s Characteristics); acrid and burning faecal matter (Ars, Sulph) excoriating anus. Lower limbs: heaviness, weakness and giving way in knees, could scarcely stand. Skin: Ulceration very superficial and widespread; flat, painless ulcers (Copperthwaite’s Textbook). In general the skin and also the eruptions of mercury are moist or weeping (Leesers Textbook).1 This patient does not demonstrate the offensive odors or the mental picture. Phosphorus Extroverted, expressive, AFFECTIONATE, also fearful and anxious (Vermeulen’s synoptic I); ulceration of angles of mouth (Boenninghausen Characteristics); weary, heavy; pain and stiffness in the knees; (Bucks Materia Medica); lower limbs with uneasiness, weakness, worse on ascending steps, with heaviness (Copperthwaite’s Textbook).1 Fissure of anus. Heaviness, weakness and weariness in lower extremities, especially on ascending steps.4 Skin, little ulcer at the edge of a large one.5 Phytolacca ulcers and eruptions (scaly) on face, upper lip excoriated (this is with coryza), eruption on upper lip, ulcers on lips; tissues: ulceration of mucous membrane in any part of the body, but particularly in nose, throat and rectum. Fissures of anus. In the lower limbs there are shooting and neuralgic pains, legs tremble, chronic inflammation and rheumatism.4 Indifference (Lippe’s Textbook); desire to bite teeth together (Boenninghausen Characteristics and frequently sited in most other keynote references); eruption on upper face lip (Breyfogle’s Epitome).1 Although the main indications are for throat and mammary ailments, and the skin eruptions covered tend more towards boils, it is still a worthy consideration for the signs seen in this patient, except the lower limb signs are more spasmodic in Phyt.

George – Irish setter – 1 yr Male – show dog

March 2021 – Months of conventional treatment have not resolved the pattern of illness. First the skin is hot then there are eruptions. Red inflamed skin circles on his belly have 1 cm round crusts. Worse after dog shows. Loves going to show, upset if not taken there. Loves the attention he gets there. Very touchy feely dog. Was lethargic on poor kibble. More energy on better kibble but still eruptions. Licks everything all the time – furniture, people. Will only eat outside – even if raining. Comes to her when scared. Startles easily. Loves visiting other dogs. Sensitive to people shouting. Lacks confidence when routine changed. Loves being in show ring. Phosphorus 30c 3 doses was given, q 12 hrs. This was based mostly on the behaviors.

May 2021 – Now eats indoors. Crusts better but licks feet more. As healing progresses, symptoms move from the top down, so this is a good indication. It would have been appropriate to repeat the Phosphorus. James Kent, MD said to not leave a remedy until the next higher potency also failed. The owner emphasized the dislike of change and busyness, so 3 doses of Veratrum album were prescribed.

July 06, 2021 – He was more confident and fine not going to a show. New outbreak of crusts, but fewer than usual. Had severe dandruff which was there before eruptions started (also while on poor kibble). 1 dose 200c Veratrum album. 7 days later – The crusts are still there and two days before got worse after a show, though all other symptoms have resolved. One dose Veratrum album 1M and 2 years later there were still no more eruptions and he was a confident, sweet dog who can be left at home alone.

Guido Harris presented with feline vestibular syndrome and the following symptoms: 1. nystagmus, 2. sudden onset of spinning in circles to the left around the room for hours with no more than a 5 minute break between episodes, 3. dilated pupils, 4. rigidity when held, 5. unable to focus on a hand moving in front of the eyes, 6. head tilted to the left, 7. hiding. By the time they went to the emergency clinic he was only circling when he tried to move and was 50% less rigid. He was given Meclizine BID and after 3 days there had been no improvement as the Meclizine wears off. I did take the history and added a few other symptoms to help choose the remedy. He hisses at children, needs attention (will sleep endlessly unless given enough attention) but does not ask for it, is forceful with the other cats (not subtle) so they attack him sometimes.  Belladonna 30c BID was prescribed.  1M would have been better, but the 30c was available.

24 hour report:

  1. No more nystagmus
  2. Had already stopped the violent circling, now circles when excited or scared.
  3. Pupils normal
  4. No longer rigid when held
  5. Could focus eyes before the Belladonna.
  6. The head is still tilted to L. “Slightly better” I should have quantified this and did not.
  7. He is out of hiding and even asking for affection.
  8. He is staggering when he walks.

She repeated the Belladonna 4 times and all symptoms regressed to where he was a little wobbly when walked. One month later he had a second attack and the Belladonna 30c only helped 10%.

  1. No nystagmus
  2. Not moving much, but does circle when afraid or startled.
  3. Pupils normal
  4. Not rigid
  5. No eye focus problem this time.
  6. Head is still tilted to L and shaking even when sitting or lying down (50% of the time)
  7. Hiding and sleeping a lot.
  8. Staggering when walks. Shaky and wobbling.
  9. He cannot go up or down steps without falling
  10. He has to claw his way up and slither down from laps and beds and        couches.
  11. She feels he is frail – not so much weight loss as muscle mass loss.

Belladonna 1M that I had previously mailed to her and he improved in 24 hrs.

  1. Head shaking 30% less. Now seems to be only ¼ of the time when stimulated.
  2. Out more and ate all of breakfast.
  3. Only 10% as shaky or wobbly.
  4. Still bad on steps.

Wait as there is definite improvement.

Four days later there was little change in any symptoms and he was more fearful of activity around him. He was hiding more and shaking more. No symptoms were better and he felt worse so it was time for a different remedy that included the increased fearfulness and the new symptom of increased fear.

Calcarea carbonica 30c is given BID. Five days later he is slightly better.

  1. He is still out, but eating less and feels thin.
  2. Can go up but not down steps. Is still unsure enough that they are keeping     the litter box accessible without needing the steps.


This is hard to evaluate.  He is better is some ways and not others, but the overall happiness seems improved, so I send her a higher potency of the Calcarea carbonica. Guido has been steadily, though slowly, improving since the second attack, but I am not sure if it is the remedy or the normal improvement pattern often seen with IFVS.


Seven days after the Calc carb 200c is given, Guido has improved a little. The owner has been giving Brewer’s yeast since the 200c and feels it is helping.

  1. Can now go up and down steps well enough that they have moved the litter box back into the basement.

Other symptoms are slightly better to no change.  Appetite is great.

Because this is an acute problem with little risk from tissues inflaming, I prescribe a Calc carb 1M. Is this animal experiencing a cure, palliation or suppression? The first prescription of Belladonna after the first episode can now be seen as palliation because the symptoms returned full force and when used in the recurrence there was not much improvement. Calc carb has not caused palliation or suppression now because the symptoms have not suddenly disappeared and there is no worsening and he feels better overall.  He is moving towards a cure, or there has been no impact from the Calc carb and the improvement is the normal course of the disease. If the increased potency does not cause significant improvement, I will change remedies. If there had been no clear improvement I would have changed remedies.