10 Steps To A Healthier Pet

  1. TRUST YOURSELF TO BE IN CHARGE. You live with your animals 24/7. You often have gut feelings that what you are doing may not be the best, though you may think you have no other options. You can just say no, then take the time to research alternatives.
  2. EDUCATE YOURSELF. Material on this website, joining the Holistic Actions Academy, reading the many wonderful books link to my site, taking classes my site both on-line and in person, and learning from your animals themselves. Learn about the EARLY WARNING SIGNS OF INTERNAL IMBALANCE, which are your clues to begin treatments before obvious disease occurs. Link to ews.
  3. FEED THE BEST. Commercial, processed food is not the best. What is best for you – the same organic pot pie twice a day or a variety of fresh ingredients from local, sustainable sources? Make a MAJOR mind shift now. Realize you have been brainwashed by the industry, and vets, to think dogs and cats cannot eat fresh food (AKA table scraps). What did they eat until 100 years ago and are they now more or less healthy? Read these articles, the great books on fresh feeding, join some list serves and have fun sharing your food. Link to food articles
  4. MINIMIZE TOXINS AND VACCINES. In my decades of practice, I find vaccines have caused the most chronic illnesses. They are not needed, certainly not annually, nor even at the AVMA recommendation of every 3 years. Do you get Measles every 3 years? Only Rabies is a legally required vaccine and there are ways to minimize damage from it as well. link to vaccine articles
  6. ENCOURAGE THE BODY TO HEAL ITSELF, NOT JUST STOP SYMPTOMS. This is one of the most important shifts to make since most vets and pet owners are focused on stopping the symptom. Often when drugs, and even herbs and other holistic treatments are used to stop symptoms, the animal’s health deteriorates in other ways. Our focus is treating in a way that BUILDS OVERALL HEALTH, allowing the body to heal the symptom with merely a little soothing help.
  7. EVALUATE RESPONSES TO TREATMENT. Just stopping symptoms often palliates or suppresses, leaving the animal less healthy. Our goal is to cure, so the Early Warning Signs of Internal Imbalance (hairball vomiting, doggy odor, tarter on teeth, training problems and more) resolve along with the symptoms. Your cherished companion then has a chance to live out a full a healthy, happy life till her DNA programed end of life occurs. Keeping a journal will make this process much more effective. links
  8. LEARN 100% SAFE HEALING METHODS. Reiki can be offered every day to prevent future illness. There are acupressure points to soothe pain and discomfort as well as to use daily to keep the immune system strong. Flower Essences work on physical as well as emotional problems to make life happier\ for everyone. links
  9. STUDY A WIDE RANGE OF HEALING METHODS. You can learn homeopathy by taking classes for people or animals, reading some books and very carefully beginning to use it for acute problems. Learning more about homeopathic philosophy will help you be a much better client and able to know what is working the best. Herbs can be very gentle (marshmallow root, aloe vera, calendula) or can be very strong and need more education (foxglove, horsetail). Essential oils can be very deeply healing yet can cause harm if not of great quality and administered properly. links
    1. Local vet
    2. Primary prescribing holistic vet (may be same).
    3. Lay practitioners
    4. Intuitive or animal communicator
    5. Groomers, trainers, other support

First you want a local veterinarian you can work with for diagnostic tests, physical exams and help understanding what may be happening with your animals. The best is if this person has some holistic training. I recommend an annual exam, which if you chose well would include a chiropractic palpation, TCVM pulse and tongue evaluation, osteopathic exam along with a conventional physical. A homeopathic veterinarian could be your primary vet and prescribe by phone or skype. You may want to work with a vet well trained in all aspects of traditional Chinese medicine (TCVM). Until you are trained, you may want lay people for Reiki, massage, etc. I recommend finding an intuitive whom you feel can really connect and evaluate your anima’s physical and emotional state, and do an appointment (usually by phone) twice a year. links