Hello Dr. Chambreau. I found a former post that said we could make our own Phytomucil. This product has saved my 1.5 year old Boxer baby. Before giving her Phytomucil it was almost impossible to get her to eat, she had severe regurgitation issues, and loose stools. Now she loves her food and poops just twice a day with pretty firm stools. It is, however, getting very expensive to buy it as she needs 80 drops three times per day to be symptom free. Your post listed how to use the Marshmellow root but not how to prepare the plantain, slippery elm, and liccorice. It would be a real lifesaver if your could give complete directions on how to prepare this tincture. Thanks you in advance. Jean and Chiku Prabhu

first, I am so glad you and your dog have gotten some relief and you can certainly experiment with different herbs.

However, there are two issues here:

  1. the fact that she has to stay on the phytomucil (or any treatment) or the diarrhea returns means that she is being temporarily helped (palliated) and not cured. Rather than searching for a cheaper combination of herbs, the goal would be to search for an approach that will heal the energy field/qi/quantum field imbalance so no herbs are needed unless she is extremely  stressed. TCVM (acupuncture, food therapy, chinese herbs), homeopathy, chiropracty, osteopathy, Reiki, Healing touch for animals are a few of the approaches with which to begin. Our goal needs to be to deeply cure rather than merely temporarily help. My Links page has all the organizations so you can search for veterinarians near you or who can help by phone or email.
  2. Selecting herbs to treat each individual is best done by a trained herbalist. Greg Tilford created phytomucil by carefully looking at the relationships of the different herbs needed and how they interact with each other for the greatest benefit. his book is a must to read for more details on each herb – great photos too, in the original edition. If you want to try other herbs WHILE seeking deeper treatments, then you should do one at a time.
    1. Marshmallow root – for colitis use one teaspoon of the dried root in 8 oz very hot water and stir till lukewarm and it should feel slippery to touch (add more root if not). does at 1/2 t per cat or 1 t for most dogs. It is safe, so more can be tried. Marshmallow is much more gentle than slippery elm and more sustainable, so try it first.
    2. Chamomile is a safe digestive tonic good for indigestion, gas and vomiting, especially with nervousness. the glycerine tincture is the best. .5 cc per 20#.
    3. Plantain is mucilaginous and antibacterial. Fresh plantain is best according to Tilford. liquify the entire plant, roots and all in a juicer or add water and blend then strain.  1 teaspoon per 20# before a meal.
    4. Licorice is also mucilaginous and has a cortisone type activity. It is very good for the liver (use instead of the stronger milk thistle for any liver protection) so if the diarrhea is liver related this can help. It is also good for ulcers. I would not recommend it for chronic diarrhea.
    5. slippery elm would be prepared at the marshmallow but not recommended since elm trees may be destroyed to make it and it has a harsher effect.
  3. Most importantly – go for a cure.