Please sign up for the RSS feed so you get notified when I do a blog post.

There are two floating icons on the page – one is my veterinary facebook page and one is the RSS feed. It looks like this:

rss feed

Click on it. You will get sent to a “feedburner” page. In the box on the right, click on “deliver to me email” or choose on of the other selections if they apply to you (too modern for me). You will then get an email that you need to click on the link and then you will be set up.

Every time I post a blog you will get a notification. Now that the RSS is working, I will try to keep you all even more updated on health tips, new modalities, classes being offered all over the country, new products and health reminders.

For instance, I think VetriScience’s periodent is really helping my raw fed kitty, Ed, who has some gingivitis over his carnasial tooth.