I recently had a query:

Dr. Christina, thank you for bringing attention to the horrible ‘dry food post’ I have a beautiful Bengal cat (now for 3 years) and she had been bought up on a dry food diet, which I instantly changed, she does has a small frequent appetite and I have found that if we are away for the day and she has no food (we live in Perth – Aus. and cant leave her food out for fear of being blown by flies) she comes inside and we have to give her small amounts 1 tsp at a time or she gorges and then vomits everywhere, she is a beautiful girl and I just love her to bits, but I feel sad that she just cant take in large amounts of food, we feed her high quality tinned fish etc, and sometimes some skirt steak, she doesn’t like fresh,or boiled fish at all and she bites me if I don’t get her, her food when she wants it, she is such a lovely unusual cat and we wouldn’t have her any other way, her ginger playmate doesn’t have the same problems with food, she just eats whatever, a Miss sulphur I think, is there any h/p Remedy you might recommend for Mischka please, thank you in anticipation

Deciding on a homeopathic remedy is  merely the beginning. Treating a person or animal homeopathically includes listing all symptoms present now and in the past and including the early warning signs (that are on my site). After the remedy is selected, the most important work is to carefully observe for all the changes, then determine if the remedy is curing, palliating or suppressing. Do we need to repeat the remedy, wait, or pick a new one? this process continues until the individual is completely healthy.

Please do some research on her diet. Tinned fish is not really sufficient. There are a lot of holistic vets in AU to help you. Go to CIVT to find vets and even to find classes lay people can take by webinar to learn more about diet and health.

glad you stopped the dry food.
Maybe you can feed her a few bites when she is very hungry so she does not bite you, then take the time to put down the good food, spread out on a cookie sheet to slow down her eating.
