Cats with renal disease can often benefit strongly from sub cutaneous fluids (fluids given under the skin). A person recently asked how fast the fluids should be absorbed as the bulge was staying there for over an hour.


There are several possibilities.
One is she is not that dehydrated as usually it is absorbed in 5-20 mins.
Another possibility is that the kidney disease is more advanced, so cannot process the fluids.
I hope you are working with an integrative vet – homeopathy or acupucture and are doing Reiki, acupressure, flower essences, healing touch for animals, TTouch or more yourself on a regular (daily) basis.
Also, for everyone – when giving fluids, please warm them first. Easiest is to put a cup of very hot water between the hanging bag and the animals. coil several loops of the tubing in the cup, then evacuate the line until comes out warm, then put the needle in so the first fluid coming in is nice and warm.