Angela asked:

I am wondering the correct way of prescribing, there may be differences of opinion on here. I had one homeopathic veterinarian who prescribes in LM and 6c potencies always, and if the remedy does not work, goes on to another remedy. Also I have dealt with veterinarian homeopath who starts with 200c and if improvement, goes to 1M. I asked the one who doses low and he says to be cautious. it’s not particular to the case, which is more effective?
Dear Angela,

glad you re-sent your message – I thought I had already replied. I am including my teaching handout on potencies.
Basically, there is no one correct way. Hahnemann experimented with many different approaches. As with selecting the remedy (similimum) we want the potency to match the individual’s “potency” or health level. Different practitioners discover that certain approaches seem to work the best for them. 

Even historically there were the low potency prescribers and the high potency ones and they often argued vociferously. Whole Health Now’s Kim elia is teaching a “history of homeopathy” class that will discuss that for sure. 

Potency Selection And Administration (Posology)

More than any other area, Hahnemann kept changing his recommendations for how much and how frequently to administer the remedies. From at least the 4th edition he talked about the quantity of dose making a difference. For some reason this was largely ignored until the early 90s. A few homeopaths began using Hahnemann’s LM recommendations (6th Edition). Now many homeopaths are using either the 5th (diluting and shaking the remedy) or the 6th (LMs). However, in most veterinarians’ experience, the method of administration does not seem to matter in curing our cases. The veterinary literature, then, frequently says that quantity does not matter. Hamilton, “dosage…number of tablets…is not too important. … The energetic aspect is not quantitative; it is qualitative.” He agrees with many veterinary homeopaths that “one pellet of any size is probably adequate to treat any size animal…” Dr. Chambreau’s notes prior to 2005 say that the quantity does not matter, only the frequency and potency.


In the last 10 years, more practitioners for people and animals have begun to use the water dilution methods of the 5th Edition or the LM of the 6th for most of their prescribing.  While it seems obvious that diluting the remedy in water will weaken it, Hahnemann, in the 5th Edition says, “The action of a dose, moreover, does not diminish in the direct ratio… Eight drops of the tincture of a dose of medicine does not produce four times as much effect on the human body as two drops, but only about twice the effect…In like manner, one drop of a mixture of the tincture with ten drops of some unmedicinal fluid, when taken, will not produce ten times more effect than one drop of mixture ten times more attenuated, but only about (scarcely) twice as strong an effect, and so on, in the same ratio – so that a drop of the lowest dilution must, and really does, display still a very considerable action.”


Since 2005 Dr. Chambreau has been using more of the dilutions (5th and 6th edition). She has seen several animals respond better to one dilution than another of the same potency, or to have aggravations to a certain dilution. To learn more about posology, continue reading the web (, is one), listening to conference calls (NCH-; ) and attend conferences. When Dr. Guess spoke at the HMSSP, 2006, he said that until recently he had ignored quantity comments by Hahnemann as taught to by his instructors. In retrospect, some patients said they needed to take specific amounts of remedies for best effect. ( can connect you with tapes of this talk. Dr. Jeff Feinman routinely uses the 5th edition prescribing and Dr. Krawitz the 6th edition (LMs).


Since most homeopathic veterinarians are still prescribing the dry pellets, the following will give you guidelines for giving single doses or short repetitions. Any remedy pellets can be put into water for ease of administration. At the end we well cover how to dose with 5th Edition recommendations.


Acute Posology

Remember that in acute diseases the animal is either going to die or recover in a short time with no treatment at all.


In acute diseases the vital force is expressing itself, sometimes too strongly, so any potency can work and may need to be repeated frequently. A brief guideline (following the 4th edition of The Organon) follows:

–Serious, sudden, life threatening conditions:

6c to 30c (every few minutes to every 30 minutes); 200c or 1M (every 30 – 60 minutes)

–Moderate conditions (URI, cystitis, minor injuries): 30c (2 – 3 x/day); 6x, 12x, 6c (4x/day);

12c, 30x (3x/day)

Remedies can be repeated any time there has been improvement and then deterioration or a halt in improvement.  The quality of the remedy changes as the potency increases, so higher potencies act more deeply and are usually given less frequently.  Also, lower potencies have a broader effect so if you are less sure of your choice, pick a lower potency.


Chronic Posology

Chronic diseases are those where the mistunement of the vital force cannot correct itself. They must be treated to recover. Most animal diseases, even those that appear acute (UTI, URI, D/V, rashes, etc) are acute exacerbations of chronic diseases.


In chronic disease we are treating problems that have been brewing in the energy field for a long time so we need to proceed gently, slowly and with care.

Lower potencies (6x, 12x, 30x, 6c, 12c) Give more frequently (up to 2x/day).

–Have a broader effect, and give gentler nudging, so may appear to help a disease

condition and not the overall health of the animal.

–Are good for older, more fragile animals or those with more tissue changes.

–May have no effect in fulminating conditions or very vital animals.

— May help some, even if the wrong remedy.

Higher potencies (30c, 200c, 1m, 10m) Single doses then observe response.

–Are much stronger and specific in their actions on the energy force so they must be

prescribed with more accuracy.

–Are for young vital animals with functional, mental/emotional problems.

–Are repeated infrequently –one dose may last for months.

–Can cause more aggravations and even make the animal more ill if repeated too often,
especially if there is much tissue change.

— When you are not sure of your remedy selection or fear there may be danger to having an inflammatory response, go lower.


Common potencies available for purchase are 6c, 12c, 30c, 200c, 1M, 10M and 50M. If you began with a 6c, you would next go to a 12c when the effect of the 6c had waned, yet you still assessed that the remedy was correct.




LM potencies (6th edition of the Organon) have the flexibility of increasing the potency every time it is given and by further dilutions, making each dose as gentle as needed by that animal. Dr. Anthony Krawitz gave an excellent talk on the use of LM potencies in animals. It is available in the members only section of, in several formats. Dr. Chambreau puts 1 pellet of the LM1, LM2, or LM3 (etc.) into 1 ounce of water with 1/8 part alcohol (Everclear or Vodka) in a dropper bottle. You may order each LM remedy directly from the pharmacy “already diluted” in one or two ounce bottles. That is the stock bottle. Before each dose, shake twice, put 2 drops into 1/2C water, and then give a few drops into the mouth. You and the client can decide the number of times to shake the bottle, the number of drops to put into what amount of water and what amount to give the animal. You can make the medicine more or less gentle in this way. Hahnemann’s goal was always to have the gentlest cure possible with the fewest aggravations. You can even make it gentler by making one tow or three more dilutions.


From the 5th Edition, Dr. Chambreau is now dosing most animals with the plussing method. Put a certain number of pellets (usually 2) in a certain amount of water (1 cup) and keep as the stock jar. Before each dose, shake twice, put 2 drops into 1/2C water, and then give a few drops into the mouth. You can also offer the remedy in the final dilution to the animal to see if they know what is good for them. They only need put their tongue in once and it is ok if they drink more. Dr. Chambreau has had animals in a multidog household run to the kitchen when the owner begins to shake their particular remedy. As with the LM potencies, each of these steps can be changed to make the remedy stronger or gentler. All potencies can be repeated more frequently without aggravation when administered this way.


The most common administration method still used by most practitioners for people and animals is the single dose method, or several repetitions with no further succussing and diluting. Be aware that a few people will not come to you as a homeopathic veterinarian because you are not using 5th or 6th methods of administration, so you may want to make an explanation on your web site.     The tiniest granules, #10s, are the easiest to give to animals because they stick to the tongue. Pour 10 to 20 of the #10 onto a folded piece of paper. Any larger size, tablets or bigger globules, need to be crushed to a powder.  Fold an old envelope (for the heavy paper and reuse for the environment) , put the dose ( a small amount) inside the fold. Folding it over, crush with something hard on a hard surface. Some types crush easily, and can be done in paper, some are harder.

The best way to administer is to gently open the animal’s mouth a tiny bit and pour the remedy onto the tongue. Hold the mouth shut for a few seconds.  They may spit out some of the remedy, but enough will have been dissolved already. It can also be put into the pouch in the corner of the mouth. The remedy dissolves on mucus membranes.

Alternatives usually work just as well. If you have the correct remedy, it will work however it is given. Dilute in good water and given with an eyedropper. The crushed remedy can be put into a tiny amount of milk or cream or a bland food is least preferable.  Most feral cats are successfully treated in food. For very fractious animals, like the cats hunkered at the back of the cage ready to attack, the remedy can be diluted and put in a syringe and squirted onto their face/open mouth.


Dr. Jeff Feinman writes from a scientific standpoint that the size of the dose does matter. He has been using the 5th or 6th prescribing methods for years now, and prefers them, usually, over dry dosing (4th edition).


Remember, homeopathic treatment is given with the intention of curing the problem. Remedies are not meant to be given forever or prescribed without appropriately evaluating the result of treatment. Even when giving lower potencies on a daily basis, stop the remedy if the animal seems completely cured or is having any problems, especially if they have less energy or are less alert. One of the joys of the 5th and 6th editions is a gentle healing stimulus that can be stopped if there are adverse symptoms.


Dr. Edward De Beukelaer gives an example of a deep cure with a low potency – “He receives 3 doses of Clematis erecta 9C over three days and he changes. He becomes much more relaxed about food and everything else. The crust on his nose disappears and his feet pick up healing where it had stopped. Even his sight improved. There are also no more wrinkles on his forehead. The change is gradual over several weeks. One year later he is still fine and did not need any further medicine.”