A reader asked: “Do you sell or recommend a product that helps with the matting of hair on a long-haired cat?  ”


Matting hair is because of ill health. Really healthy cats, even ones with long hair, keep it well groomed themselves. There are products on the market. I have not researched them because I work with the animals to regain health so their hair does not tangle. Following the 7 keys to health on my site are main keys. Usually the matting stops when they go on a raw food diet, sometimes they need more types of treatment. 

 On a web search, I found
“Mats can be groomed out by implementing a brush and a pair of scissors. Gently, break apart the mat with a brush or amat rake. This may take some time, and patience will be needed. Comb the hair in the direction of growth, not against it, removing all dead hair and debris from around the mat. Next, snip out the mat itself, making sure not to pull on the hair. Continue this process until the mats are eliminated. If grooming has been neglected for some time, it may be necessary to take your cat to a professional groomer. If matting is extreme, it might be necessary to shave off the hair.”

This is a nice description of how to remove the mats, which you may be very good at. Daily combing can help while you are restoring full health. They, like many veterinarians and all other sites I found, just assume this is normal for the coats of certain cats – not true. 

Earthclinic.com said to try cornstarch on smaller mats. 

I thought I remembered a spray that helped, but I cold not find it. 

Go for better health.