THURSDAY 24 MARCH – Teleseminar 8PM eastern – Prepare Your Horse for Spring by Dr. Juliet Getty of Getty Equine Nutrition – sponsored by Freedom Reins LLC (lectures monthly with great people ).
Homeopathy is great to treat all diseases, especially severe and acute ones that are happening in Japan. The Japanese Homeopathic Association has a site for donations – I can forward you the letter from the president requesting money. He lists the remedies for radiation damage, noting that individualization is best, of course – Cadm-s, Sol, Pluton, Kali-iod, Cadm-s, Rad-br, Uran-n, and Caes-h. I will pass on more information as I get it. Prayers, Reiki and intention will all help, too.
In North America – after reading and speaking with many people – I feel there is little risk to ourselves or our animals if we live east of the Rockies. Even for those in the west, there is little risk of airborne radiation that would affect our thyroids. The bigger concern will be in foods imported from Japan (even unlabeled in processed foods). This is one reason I am so passionate about eating fresh, especially locally raised foods, whenever possible and limiting the ingestion of processed or imported foods. According to Goeff D’Arcy of Herbs for Pets in his latest newsletter, taking kelp supplements, especially from the larger northern kelps, will be useful against incidental radioactive iodine exposure. He agrees with me that there is a large increase in thyroid disorders for all species. If you are in Japan, then you know to be taking potassium iodide to block uptake of radioactive iodine.
CASE STUDY Holistic approach to diarrhea
A very sweet, six month old cockapoo had started 2 weeks before with diarrhea. He had been on a raw diet (oatmeal, rice and organic ground turkey and beef) for a few weeks before the diarrhea started. Since homeopathy treats the individual animals rather than merely the symptoms, I needed to ask some more questions. He loves to be out in the snow for a long time and loves to roll in it. He is very wiggly to be brushed (typical puppy and they’ve only had him a few months). He had junk in his eyes and a foul doggy odor that cleared up on the raw diet (therefore not a significant symptom of the vital force/vibrational pattern of this individual). The BM can be a pile or formed with mucus covering it, with an odor. Three weeks ago they had given Pulsatilla homeopathically (prefers cold, not thirsty, friendly – so a good choice). The mucus started after the Pulsatilla but the stools were firmer for a time. For a time the stool has had a smell ranging from very bad to medium. There are many remedies that could fit these symptoms. The joy of working with single remedies is that we can use the response to one remedy to help choose the next remedy. Sulphur is a chronic remedy for Pulsatilla and has more “smelliness” than Pulsatilla with its bland discharges. It, too, prefers cold. I prescribed supportive treatment of Mitomax (my current favorite probiotic – order at, marshmallow root (many people use slippery elm for digestive upsets but this is more sustainable and gentler as well). I like to dose animals in liquid and offer it to them. Some are smart enough to know when they need a remedy and if it is the right one. He drank the 200c Sulphur and had firm, non smelly stools immediately.
Baltimore area
I. Advanced animal communication I strongly recommend learning to communicate with your animals for improved health and happiness. Saturday, Mar 26, 2011, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm, Eldersburg area. email for more information.
III. Columbia, MD
All About Puppies seminar – March 26; 10-noon at Club Pooche. Register at Choosing the correct puppy, introducing to the house, puppy manners, house training and more. 410-730-2275
IV. California
A Royal Banquet. Feline and Canine Nutrition as Mother Nature Intended. You know I believe that great nutrition, especially using locally and ethically raised ingredients are key to our health, our animals health and the planets health so if you can attend this I thank you. March 29, 11-5 at the wonderful Bright Haven Sanctuary, Santa Rosa, CA. Taught by Lauren Urbais. Register at and enjoy reading their site, too.
I commented regarding Standard Process in two other posts but wanted to also mention my successes with the product and my dog Audrey. Audrey has congenital kidney disease. We noticed symptoms of polyuria and polydipsia even before weaning. She would also sleep in the water bowl when empty. Audrey was weaned onto a balanced raw diet. The official diagnosis came at one year when I took her in to be spayed. Bloodwork was done three times over a 9 month period all showing elevated BUN and creatinine. Urine specific gravity off with slight amount of protein in urine. Urine culture done and nothing found.
Shortly after dianosis I started Audrey on Standard Process Canine Renal Support, Standard Process Canine Hepatic Support, Cataplex B, Cataplex C and Catalyn. I also give Garden of Life Primal Defense probiotics and The Fiber35Diet Sprinkle Fiber for nitrogen trapping. I decided after much research to not restrict Audrey’s diet. She is and has been on a standard raw diet — no reduction in protein or phosphorus. Audrey just turned 5 years old the end of June and to this day her symptoms have (for the most part) not changed — still only polyruia and polydipsia. Once in a while her breath will have the tell tale foul smell associated with toxic blood. At this point I will begin supplementing with the Sprinkle Fiber and generally within a few days her breath is back to normal again..
I had her muscle tested for Renatrophin and Renafood and at the time they responded neutral however I will continue muscle testing these two products on a regular basis. At some point I imagine she will need the increased protomorphogens in Renatrophin?
I believe in my heart that Audrey is still with me and healthy due to the species appropriate, balanced, raw diet and Standard Process supplements..
[…] very safe, so they are a good place to begin. Read more from an animal guardian in a reply to my blog about these […]